Product information

Premium Brine product with color salt for meat.

Taste guide

Kalkoenborst Brisket Style recept

Product specifications

Salting, dry brining, wet brining or injecting with color preservation of meat. Indispensable for: barbecue, grill, hot smoking, cold smoking and more. Suitable for:meat products with color preservation. For example: Pulled pork, ribs, ham, bacon, sausage, chicken, pastrami, cold cuts, etc.

Do not use with fish and vegetables! For this, “Pro-Brine No.1” is suitable.

Produced in: The Netherlands

Packaging Contents EAN-code
Bucket 2000 gr. 8719324822244
Bucket 8000 gr. 8719324822800

The emergence of Pro-Brine Color

The Pro-Brine Color was developed in our own test kitchen. Our goal?

Achieving authentic flavors and optimizing the preparation process. So that there is no unnecessary addition or operation to adjust.